domingo, 12 de julio de 2020

Blog 6: Postgraduate studies

Hello!  Today, I'll write about the future postgraduate studies that I have in mind.

 First, I think death is a very diffucult thing of life to overcome for people, so if I can help to make it easier to close and understand the grieft, It would be satisfactory for me in a personally and professionally. So, I think that in the future I would like to study something related with the investigation forensic, for example, laboratory work with genetic or bone trauma, new tecnology of investigation or scientific development.

 I don't really know or search before about postgraduate studies, but the last week a teacher tell me about the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (In spanish, Equipo Argentino de Antropología Forense) and their work; thus, I search about it and I find that is very close of what I want to do in the future. Futhermore, they have courses and the requirement for them are accessible after I graduate, but the only problem will be that I'll have to travel to Argentina and probably the first time I'll have to live without my family nearby, so It would be difficult at first. Obviously, If I have the opportunity to study something like this in Chile, I'll take it.

Other thing that I have been thinking is about to keep learning other language and take some studies in other country, for example Canada or some country of Europe. And if it's a country of Europe, I could travel to other countries nearby.

1 comentario:

  1. It sounds interesting! Death themes are like a taboo. I've heard that argentinian education is very well, I hope that you consider to apply there :)
