sábado, 27 de junio de 2020

Blog 4: Free Topic


 After reading the blog of the teacher, I remember my favorite OST is from my favorite videogame, so I´ll write about it.
US Box Art Illustration from Eternal Sonata
US box art illustration.

My favorite videogame is "Eternal Sonata", also knowed as "Trusty Bell" in Japan. It´s a role-playing game (RPG) for the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3. The game takes place in a dream world of Frederick Chopin before he died. The plot of the game simple, even pointless, because since the first time you know that all is a dream, but the game is very beautiful, both visually and musically, and the circumstances are funny and interesting, that the game keep pushing you to want to advance. Other thing is the gameplay, it is very simple and fast, the battles are in a area where the characters and the enemies have a countdown to take different actions, so is not obstacle to continue the game.

  I played it when I was 9 and I love this game because of the desing of the places and characters, that is in a very anime style, but fit very nice with the colorful of the places. Also, the music is so beautiful and fit so good with the moment, so much so sometimes I stayed in the same place only to hear the music. If I could play the game again, I would definitely, but I´m happy with the soundtrack and I recommend it (there is a list in youtube, if you want to hear it). And one more thing, my favorite song of the soundtrack is "Silence and life".

This place is called "Elegy of the Moon"
Let's Play Eternal Sonata Encore Mode PS3 Episode 44 Handing in ...
Screenshot of a gameplay

viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

Blog 3: Free topic!

 Hello! Today I´ll to write about my favorite character in the Online Game, League of Legends, also known as LoL, but first a little introduction. I started to play LoL 10 years ago, when I was 10 and I play with my brother or my cousins, also I met friends in this years. The game it´s about matchs between 2 teams of 5 players using different characters from the game´s lore. Futhermore, the game has different outfits or "skins" to vary the appearance of the characters, some are a little silly xD.

Bard´s concept art.
My favorite character in the game is Bard (in spanish, his name is Bardo). Bard is the physical appearance of a mythical creature that protecs the world of the game, Runaterra, from chaotic events, but he only go directly to do his work and disappears without a clue. I like the character, beacause of his aura of mystery and the desing, that is inspired from the desing of some creatures and characters of the Studio Ghibli movies. Also, the game style of the character is funny to me, because he can go faster, heal allies and use little spirits, named Meeps, to attack. Finally, one thing I think is unique of Bard is the fact that he doesn't talk, but it make sounds of chimes, so you can feel the cosmic aspect of the character.

Snow Day Bard´s concept art.

Splashart of Astral Bard, The meeps are little and chubby aliens xD

jueves, 11 de junio de 2020

Blog 2: The best holiday

  Hello everyone, here I´ll write about my best holiday.
My best holiday was 2 years ago. I traveled to San Pedro de Atacama with 2 friends, Paula and Francisca (Pancha). My friend Pancha lived all her childhood in San Pedro with her mother, who work as teacher and still there, so when we went to San Pedro, we stayed in her house. I and Paula were there for 10 days and Pancha stayed other days with her family.

Entrance of Cueva del Diablo

Dune in the Valle de Marte, where people do sandboarding.

 The Pukara de Quitor

During these days Pancha and her family made us a tour in different places near San Pedro. We were in a salt flat (I don´t remember the name), where I swam in a salt lake;  The Valle de la Luna, where were a wonderful views; The Pukara de Quitor , thats an old fortress that have tactical advantage because of its view, now is a archeological site; Valle de Marte, where I tried
sandboarding; Cueva del diablo, that was the first time I was in a cave and I have to say that the dark inside is strange and uncomfortable; and the town itself, where we walked for different streets and places.

People waiting for the sunset in the Valle de la Luna

The Valle de la Luna.

That was my best holiday, because I learned so much things and another perspective to see the things that I could never have learned in Santiago or the places I usually go to holiday. And what I always will remember is the sky full of stars, the shooting stars and how the intesity of the moon could affect the light in a really clear sky.

Salt Lake.
Chapel in San Pedro de Atacama Town.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

Blog 1: A country I would like to visit

 Hello everyone!
 Personally, I would like to travel into differents countries to see what are the most beautiful or interesting things that they have, but in this post I´ll tell about the countries that if I have the possibilty to travel I would rather to live and feel as a citizen than only visit and know for a little time.

First, I would like to go to Switzerland, because I love the views with the mountain and the sky, also I like the historic buildings. I would walk for hours or travel across the country and never get bored. Other thing is that in Switzerland are 4 official languages (French,German, Romansh and Italian) and these languages are spoken in diferent regions of the country, so it´ll be a interesting challenge if I would travel and live there in a future.

Lufthansa at Zurich Airport

The second country is Canada, precisely Vancouver or Victoria Island, both in the province of British Columbia. I would like to study here more than live, because Vancouver is one of the more expensive cities in Canada, but there are very nice scholarship. Anyways, I would like to do climbing or mountaineering in summer and winter sports. Also there are different cultures and communities so it would be a good opportunity to learn from the people.
UBC Campuses | The University of British Columbia
University of British Columbia (UBC).

Finally, in a different point of view I would like to live in Japan, because I think that is interesting how the technology can affect the life in multiples ways and I would like to experience that, from the medical to commercial or entertainment uses. For example, the multiple robotic intelligence used in healthcare, transport or security. Otherwise, I would like to experience the traditional face of Japan, like festivals and know the history behind them. For example, the Bon festival when the people dance and celebrates around a platform with musician and all is adorned with so much lights to honor the spirits of ancestors.

Nescafe x SoftBank - Pepper Shopping - YouTube
                                                    A robot that help with shopping

                                         Obon: The Japanese Festival Of The Dead - Savvy Tokyo  
        Bon festival.