Hello, in this post I´ll write about some animes that I watched.
To start, the first anime that I watched in knowing of what is an anime. And I say this, because when I was a child I was not aware about that the anime are series and have episodes with a secuence and all these things. So, going back to the main topic, this anime was Lucky Star. This anime is about a girl, who like anime, videogames and manga, so she spend all her time in them, also she is very lazy, but is good at school. The funny things in the anime are multiples references to other animes, videogames, manga and this japanese culture. But when I saw it, I don´t understood all the references involved in this anime, from the situations to the chracters, but I think I would like to watch it again to see how many references I can catch now.
To start, the first anime that I watched in knowing of what is an anime. And I say this, because when I was a child I was not aware about that the anime are series and have episodes with a secuence and all these things. So, going back to the main topic, this anime was Lucky Star. This anime is about a girl, who like anime, videogames and manga, so she spend all her time in them, also she is very lazy, but is good at school. The funny things in the anime are multiples references to other animes, videogames, manga and this japanese culture. But when I saw it, I don´t understood all the references involved in this anime, from the situations to the chracters, but I think I would like to watch it again to see how many references I can catch now.

Other anime that I love is Chobits. This anime is about a young that is going to the city to study for a university test (something like the PSU xd), and in the city, all the people have robots that have the function of a companion, so he wants to have one, but they are very expensive. Luckly, he finds one robot naked in the trash and he decided to take it. However, this robot not work like the others, because it only says "chii" and is unable to undertand the things like the other robots, but lately, stranger things happend and a secret will be known about this robot. I personally love the OST of this anime and the situations that present. If you like romantic series and robots you´ll love this anime. Also I would like to read the manga, but I´m very bad at reading.
Finally, an anime that I saw at the beginning of the year, Samurai Champloo. This anime is about a girl that is searching for "the samurai who smells of sunflowers", this girl meet two samurais and saved them from an execution, so they make a promise to help her to find this man, but they have problems with bandits, helping people or conflicts from themselves. I love this anime because of how it combines more contemporary things, like graffiti or baseball, with the world of Japanese Edo era.